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7 Tips for Maintaining Your Hair in Summer

People tend to spend more time outdoors and go for vacations at their favorite spots in summer. However, the summer sun and the high humidity level often have a negative impact on our hair and skin. Several issues like dandruff, sunburn on the scalp, hair loss and damaged hair roots are common during this period. Keep these hair care tips handy as you enjoy every bit of summer.  

  • Protect your hair from UV rays

Wearing a lightweight scarf or hat will protect your hair from UV rays. In addition, they can assist to retain moisture throughout the day. Another way to shield your hair involves keeping a spritz bottle nearby and using it once you discover that your hair is dry.

  • Invest in the right tools and products

Millions of women have discovered that buying the right hair care products is the solution to combating alopecia. You will also save money and minimize energy costs. Ensure that you get the right products for your hair and scalp type. Confirm whether they contain UV filters. Air dry your hair instead of blow drying it and use a wooden wide-tooth comb.

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Our hair can reveal a lot about our lifestyles. In view of this, eat well-balanced meals that are packed with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol excessively as the latter has a dehydrating effect on the hair. Regular exercise will promote blood circulation and ultimately keep your hair radiant. Look for ways to reduce stress and speed your hair growth with F.A.S.T. Shampoo.

  • Consider different hairstyles

We tend to sweat more in summer than any other season. Comfortable hairstyles such as loose braids and ponytails will make sweat to dry quickly and promote air circulation. Trim your hair to control split ends and hair loss.  

  • Don’t use shampoo every day

It’s common for hair of all types to get dirty easily when summer is in full swing. Despite this, you don’t need to use a shampoo all the time even if you have oily hair. Opt for FAST Shampoo for hair growth which is formulated with safe and natural ingredients. Conditioners are equally important because they supply nutrients and moisture to the hair. More so, they are an effective solution for tangled hair.

  • Wet your hair before swimming

It’s imperative to wet your hair whether you want to swim in a pool or an ocean. It won’t absorb much chlorine, salt, and other chemicals. These chemicals can damage the protein in your hair and lead to dry hair. Rinse your hair with water immediately you step out of the swimming pool.

  • Use dyes sparingly

Summer isn’t the best time to color treat your hair frequently. This is because the sun will cause drying, fading and can even damage the hair. Make sure that you stick to products that are designed for treated hair and apply the color at least a month before summer sets in.  

About The Author

Finn Oliver Edwards: Finn, a pediatric nurse, shares child health tips, parenting advice, and preventive measures for common childhood illnesses.

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