Hemp oil is full spectrum oil from the hemp plant. This oil is different from CBD oil because CBD oil is extracted from leaves and flowers of hemp plant while Hemp oil is extracted only from seeds of hemp plant. The flavor is connected with the color
Hemp oil is contrived from different varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain large amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The THC is the psychoactive element of the cannabis plant.
The first step in the extraction of Hemp oil is cleaning of seeds (99%) and this cleaning is done before pressing.
According to modern production process, mostly in Canada, regular certified sampling of THC shows THC level limit of 4 ppm (parts per million, or 4 mg/kg) but the Legal limit in Canada is 10 ppm.
According to modern research, 49% of hemp seed is used as cooking oil. Monosaturated fats up to 11% along with saturated fat up to 7% present in Hemp seed oil and provide energy of 9kcal/gm. Stearidonic acid is also present in very minor amount (i.e.) only 2%.
If hemp seed oil is not stored properly, then this oxidizes within a short period of time. The life of this oil can be extended if it is stored in cool places and stored in air tight container like refrigenerator.
Wood Finish:
Hemp oil can be used as wood finish if it can be converted into a solid form by polymerization. Due to this property of hemp oil it can be used as blended with other resins and solvents and finally can be used as varnish for wood finishing.
Hemp oil is used in the manufacturing plants of Soaps, detergents and shampoos and also in the large scale industrial production of Bio-Diesel.