Tooth extraction is a procedure that normally takes place in the general dentist’s office during regular hours. Tooth extraction can be done through surgery if the tooth is partially erupted or the crown section is lost, and a dentist cannot remove the tooth through a typical tooth extraction procedure. Emergency tooth extraction is different from other types of dental procedures. Normally, the emergency dentist aims to save the teeth.
Still, as a dentist at a North York emergency dental clinic states, if the tooth is extensively damaged, there is no way to restore it, and when a tooth has some issues that are damaging the neighboring teeth and tissues, the emergency dentist has no option but to remove the tooth as soon as possible. Here are some cases that indicate the need for emergency tooth extraction:
Extensive Tooth Decay
Sometimes, the tooth decay progresses, and the dentist cannot clean the decay parts and restore the tooth. Toothache is the most common sign that indicates severe tooth decay. Therefore, the dentist decided to remove the teeth to prevent the infection or abscess from spreading and to reduce the pain. When the patient doesn’t have regular checkups with general dentists, he is more prone to tooth decay. Dental flossing is very vital to prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay happens when the food is trapped between the teeth gap and the bacteria has a good environment for growth.
Gum Disease
The infection damages the bone structure and soft tissue if the gum disease is not diagnosed and treated in the primary stages. Tooth extraction is a must in this condition. Tooth extraction is the only way to clean the infected parts and manage the side effects that threaten oral health. Bleeding, soreness, gum discoloration, and bad breath are the symptoms that indicate gum disease. Call your dentist for an immediate appointment if you see any of these symptoms.
Partially Erupted Wisdom Tooth
A wisdom tooth, a third molar tooth, grows from 17 to 21. Sometimes, the third molar tooth doesn’t have enough space to grow, so you can see that gum tissues cover a part of it. A partially emerged wisdom tooth is more prone to tooth decay and infection. An impacted wisdom tooth is an emergency, so the emergency dentist extracts the tooth to prevent future dental issues.
Dislodged Tooth
If your teeth are dislodged after an injury or accident, the emergency dentist tries to save your tooth. But if the emergency dentist cannot repair the misplaced or broken teeth, he may need to extract the tooth. Dental traumas are unavoidable, and sometimes, there is no way to save a tooth.
An abscess occurs in the root canals of a tooth. The soreness and swelling are the two symptoms of abscess. Some people may never experience toothache after an abscess happens. If the emergency dentist cannot treat the abscess with different dental services or medications, he must remove the tooth. If you need an emergency tooth extraction, call the emergency dental clinic for prompt dental service to reduce the risk of damaging other teeth, pain, and irritation. I hope you find this information useful and relevant.